The third world rocks!

Have had an interesting past few days in Delhi. My impression: We’ve got way more in common than we have differences. Take Third world transportation in the rural areas, for example. Two colleagues and I travelled to the Taj Mahal on Wednesday and saw several tuk tuks on the way. Picture this : Couple of guys squeezed in with the driver. In the back area, six people seated (on two rows facing each other, three per row), and in the back 3 people facing cars behind with the legs hanging over the back of the tuk tuk. That’s 11 people – 11!! – in a car designed for 3. In one, a guy was merrily talking on his mobile as he leaned precariously out. Reminded me of those matatus in the rural areas that are designed for 14, but can comfortably carry 25 with a couple of livestock somewhere. I love the third world!


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